Why would I need a copywriter to promote my small business?

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There are no words to describe this.

That’s something you’ll never hear us say at PopUp.

We know how to say the right thing at the right time to get the best results, for you and your business.

Can anyone write copy?

Well, some people say that anyone can write –  and it might be true if they mean most can set a few facts down on paper..

And that’s all many business owners think they need, when they produce a flyer, sales letter or any kind of online content.

But a copywriter can offer so much more than just a quick description of your product or a long,  unfocused piece of text to promote a small  business.

They can target and hone the content of your promotions to reach the right audience, catch people’s attention and raise your profile.

Continue reading “Why would I need a copywriter to promote my small business?”

Promote your small business with a personalised press release

press relSome people think the days of using a press release to promote your small business or product are over.

But we think they can still be very successful – as long as you remember some rules to make sure they get noticed.

Continue reading “Promote your small business with a personalised press release”

How your business can seize the power of seasonal promotion

When I saw these innovative ideas from creative small businesses in Sheffield, I thought it was an ideal opportunity to talk about the potential of seasonal promotion.

And my thanks go to @Mheadflowers, who have a base within the Moor Market, and @Upshotespresso at Broomhill, for inspiring this blog post.

Continue reading “How your business can seize the power of seasonal promotion”

Great customer service is key to small business success

Havcust service matketinge you ever had a bad customer experience when you’ve dealt with an organisation online, over the phone or in person?

If you’re anything like me, just one negative encounter can prevent you from using a business again, if you’ve got any other alternative.

And that’s why it’s so important to remember the power of making a positive impression, whenever you interact with shoppers or clients.

Continue reading “Great customer service is key to small business success”

Build your brand with ‘pop up’ pr

pop up 2Start up in Sheffield

Our city has an exciting, creative retail centre – with a unique, independent spirit and bags of quirky charm. And it’s a place where innovation and ingenuity are rewarded, with plenty of support on offer to encourage fresh ideas.

The rise and development of small business and social enterprise is at the forefront of Sheffield’s economic plans. And temporary sites offering short term retail opportunities continue to ‘pop up’ right across the city, in all shapes and forms.

Continue reading “Build your brand with ‘pop up’ pr”